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comatose (adjective), more comatose, most comatose
1. Referring to a state of deep and usually prolonged unconsciousness: Following the accident, Doug was in hospital and comatose and completely senseless for a month.
2. Describing a condition in which a person is unable to react to anything that normally causes a physical reaction: Rob was comatose after having a bad head injury following the car accident and was not able to answer any of the doctor's questions.
3. Relating to a person unable to function or who is in a very tired or drunken state: Chemistry was not June's favorite subject which was required for her major in natural science, and she felt very comatose and quite drowsy after the one-hour lecture by the professor.

Stedman's Medical Dictionary, 28th edition, warns readers to "avoid the illegitimate form, comatosed".

Dull and inactive, in a stupor.
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Abnormally sleepy and lacking action.
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This entry is located in the following units: coma-, -coma (page 1) -ose (page 2)